Yoga Nidra - Guided Meditation

Benefits of Yoga Nidra:


*Complete relaxation


*Physical health and stress management 

*Healthy relationship to thoughts

*Integration of incomplete experiences

*Gives the ability to be the observer of your life

*Allows your body to access its innate healing potential

*Through Intention, habits and beliefs can be changed 

*Yoga Nidra addresses insomnia, anxiety, stress, and much more


What is Yoga Nidra?  


Known as the Yogi’s sleep, Yoga Nidra is sleep with a trace of awareness. It is a state of mind in-between wakefulness and dream, but it is not actual sleep. It is a state of conscious awareness that, because of increased Theta and Delta brainwave activity, it is sleep-like.  Yoga Nidra follows the same route down to sleep states to consciously release our identification with thoughts.  Thoughts may still be present, but they are not disturbing us in any way. When you practice Yoga Nidra, you are accessing the deeper levels of the subconscious and unconscious mind.  


Yoga Nidra is a 30-40 minute practice that is based on a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation with awareness. In this practice, the state of relaxation is reached by turning inwards, withdrawing your senses, away from outer experiences.  Yoga Nidra provides the benefits of greater peace and inner calm in the midst of life, and quiets the inner noise. Yoga Nidra helps alleviate tensions at physical, mental and emotional levels. This makes the practice ideally accessible for those simply seeking greater relaxation and inner tranquility.  


The techniques of Yoga Nidra enable the slowing down of our brainwaves and allow us to enter a meditative zone.  From there, we gain entry to subtle realms where things that seem dense and difficult to change in the waking state become more fluid and easy to shift from the meditative sleep state. 


Yoga Nidra creates a deep restoration state that triggers the brain to release neurotransmitters, including GABA, dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, melatonin, and endorphins. 


Yoga Nidra requires no effort other than letting go of all doing.  In the absence of doing, the body’s energy is freed to do its evolutionary work.  Because you are getting yourself out of the way, your body’s healing capability kicks in.  


Yoga Nidra drops the mind down toward sleep to deliberately enter a state where the mind is naturally silent and still.  The practice is designed to deeply discharge and profoundly release excess tension in the body.  The hormones and neurotransmitters released during Yoga Nidra give you a clear mind and an intense feeling of well being.  Inflammation and stress can be reduced.  A sense of peace and calm floods the system. 


Yoga Nidra is the most profound rest there is – not only for the body but also for the mind, which is usually holding the body’s energy hostage.

Cost per session: $25 for a 30-45 minute session.  This can be done over Zoom.  You will need a comfortable  and quiet place to rest during this time.