Quantum Pain Relief

We all have circumstances from some point (or multiple points) in our lives that have caused grief, stress, trauma, depression, and a host of other emotions.  Emotion is the precursor to physical manifestation, which serves as a “messenger” to alert us as to what needs to be addressed.  Even accidents – broken bones, bumps, bruises – are messengers showing us what emotions need to be looked at and worked through.  Although the pain comes through on the physical level, the source can be physical, emotional, mental, energetic, or spiritual. 


So what is Quantum Pain Relief?  Through a simple and relatively short process, we identify and reframe the underlying cause, which in turn reduces the pain.  Most clients receive at least 80% relief in the first session, with the remainder dissipating over the following few days.  QPR addresses single-pointed pain, radiating pain, and emotional pain.  Once the cause is uncovered, once the pain dissipates, then the body is able to do what it does best – balance and heal itself.  


Sessions can range anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes, depending on what we uncover.  We meet over Zoom, wherein I will record the session so you can listen to it as many times as necessary to reinforce the positive outcome.  


No one has to be in pain. Energy is easily shifted with the proper mindset and allowance.  It really can be that simple.  


I am happy to be at your service, to help you uncover the cause of your pain.  


Cost is $35 per session.  If you don’t receive at least 50% relief, then the session is free.  That’s how confident I am that QPR is an effective process for you.  


Please use the Contact page to send me your information.  I look forward to working with you.  


Testimonial:  “I had a great session with Diana, she has such a wonderful and calm energy and immediately put me at ease.  I had never associated emotional blocks with physical pain before, yet it was clear throughout the session that my back pain was linked to some deeply stored past hurts. I felt immediate warmth and relief which continued with further listening of the recording.” ~ Lyndsay