Hello! And Welcome! My name is Diana and it is my sincerest intention to help you discover the true power that is within you.
My spiritual journey started many, many years ago with the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Wayne Dyer, Bentinho Massaro, and Michael Singer.
During inner exploration of what might be creating what I perceived as blocks in my life, I discovered Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH). My own session revealed the power that this modality held in terms of healing and insight. I didn’t hesitate to become a Certified Practitioner of BQH as I wanted to share the benefits that I have found so valuable with this practice. As my journey progresses, I am a forever student, tapping into the powers of the unseen. I am certified in Yoga Nidra and Quantum Pain Relief. And not to forget about the children, I am trained in a process (Inspiring Children Universally) that teaches children to use their intuition in a way that allows them to “see” without the use of their physical eyes. It’s a beautiful program that gives a child “superpowers” and enhances their lives in many ways.
Again, welcome. I invite you to tap into the inner knowledge that has always been held within your subconscious. I’m ready… are you?
Stay In Touch
I’d love to hear from you. Please use the contact page link above, or simply email me at [email protected]